Daily Table
Brand Management
Spring 2020-Present
As Marketing & Communications Director of Daily Table, a nonprofit grocery store chain in Boston, I oversee all efforts to engage existing and potential customers and donors through digital and physical channels. This includes: brand management, signage, social media, website management, print collateral, advertising, and more. 

Click here to see the website
Click here to see the latest impact report

New England Integrated Health
Website and Logo
Spring 2023
Working with New England Integrated Health, a local acupuncture and chinese medicine clinic, I designed their logo and website. I built the website in SquareSpace for the client to easily make updates themselves. I also directed the shoots for updated photography and videography on the website. 
The goal of the new site was to make it easy for both new and old patients to navigate, and to present information in a simple and digestible way.

Click here to see the full website

Various Client Work
Spring 2023
I work directly with clients on various projects, including wedding invitations and t-shirt designs. I help individuals and organizations to effectively visually communicate their core ideas.

From cattle feed to ecosystem function and human health, this book investigates the myriad downstream issues that arise from large-scale meat making.

The content is divided into two parts: pastoral and industrial. Chapters of industry and pasture alternate back and forth with contrasting yet cohesive designs. Pastoral narrows in on the  cyclical naturally-occurring processes at one farm. Industrial fights back against these natural tendencies with a sharp yellow sidebar that increasingly encroaches on the content of the book.

Infographics illustrate complicated industrial food processes, while photographs demonstrate cruelties and effects of these methods.

By focusing on two extreme modes of production, this book encourages its readers to question our current modern food system and its fundamental tension with the logic of nature. 


St. Louis Mural
Grant Project
Spring 2018

Along with two peers, I supported the development of an affordable farmers’ market in a St. Louis food desert by creating a 10' by 40' mural, organizing community events such as barbeques and nutrition classes, and inviting community-members to join in the painting process. We applied for, and received, a Gephardt Institute Small Change Grant for the project and engaged in other fundraising efforts.

We collaborated with Wellston Loop Community Reconnect, whose mission is to uplift the community of the Wellston Loop area by making healthy food more accessible.

© 2019 Laura Ancona. All rights reserved.